the cousins hanging together in Avila Beach

February 4, 2010

the next step

Well, I'm heading out of town soon for a week of training in San Diego that'll start on the 13th and end on the 20th. One course is done by the US Coast Guard in Oceanside (13th and 20th) and that'll all be pretty basic boating stuff. Some of it may be hands-on, but it'll mostly be lecture. And strangely, I'm actually looking forward to it. =) I've even had homework! It feels so right to be learning things I want to learn and have a real interest in and not because someone else requires it of me.

The other course will be at a private maritime training facility in San Diego and involve lots of hands-on stuff! That'll be Monday through Friday (15th - 19th), eight hour days of instruction, application and testing. And I'm excited! One day will be about personal safety and social responsibility onboard ship. Another will be CPR and first aid. Two days of FIREFIGHTING!!! And one day of personal survival. . . like in the case that the ship goes down. . . or I go overboard. . . or whatever. =) None of that's gonna happen - it's just good to be prepared. It'll pry look something like this. . .

Seem random or weird that I'm doing this? It kinda feels that way to me. I feel like it probably looks foolish or irresponsible to be going off "chasing" a dream like this instead of being "realistic," hunkering down and securing a solid job (and income), but I'm positive this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

Have you ever been there?

Where there's simply no doubt whether or not you're making the right decision?

The peace is truly beautiful.

Sure, there's uncertainty. I mean, I don't know how it'll turn out. . . I have hopes of how it'll turn out, but that's not important. He said step. So I'm stepping. And he'll have another step after this one. It may not be what I expect, but that's okay. I just need to be here and now. . . with Him.


  1. so excited for this! doesn't seem strange or irresponsible - it seems right :o)
    i love peace.

  2. Read them all and blessed to have this intimate peek into your life. Love you lots, G & G

  3. Dear Anonymous,
    I know people wear masks for reasons...

    Fezzik: Were you burned by acid or something?

    Westley: Oh no. It's just they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.

    ...but is there any chance you'll tell me your name? =)

  4. whoa! love your dialogue quote - perfect! I'm excited for this next chapter, Andrew - mostly excited that you are valuing your heart and trusting that God has made it important and good. When He gives you that kind of peace, there really is no need for plan B...stick with keeping your eyes on Him and even and watch plan A evolve even if it turns into plan B as it does!
    btw - your prfile pic is my favorite!!!
