the cousins hanging together in Avila Beach

February 17, 2010

fire and water

Hey all! Ha, that makes me wonder how many people actually read this stuff. . . No matter!

Just finished the third day of the STCW 95 course here in San Diego. We spent eight hours yesterday (day 2) going over and over what's known about fires; the dangers, the equipment, the strategies, etc. We were on the Navy base this morning at 0645 to make good use of their top-notch firefighting training facilities and were soon "dressed-out" in the full getup. I'm glad we had all the time we did in the classroom because we got on base this morning and I really felt comfortable and ready for whatever was coming.

And this is what was coming!

These pictures are just from the web and not from this particular facility (at least, I don't think so), because naturally, we were all a little too busy to be snapping photos. =D But I wanted to show you what it was like today and this is it!

Ever been in the Backdraft attraction at Universal Studios? Well, it was a lot like that. . . only, we were really in it!

We ran two-man teams on small fires in the galley and electrical room with foam and CO2 extinguishers and ran four-man hose teams on bigger fires. I was the nozzleman (the guy actually aiming the water) a few times and I hafta say, you really gotta be in control. Both of the nozzle, which is powerful, and of your team. We got a fire put out at one point this morning and had started moving out when we had a re-flash (the fires are controlled by operators who choose how it's gonna go) and the whole thing was back, bigger than before! Fortunately, I was backing away toward the exit with the nozzle and saw the re-flash. The three on my team had all turned and put their backs to the room. . . and me! We were already into the next compartment and wouldn't have caught it if I hadn't been alert and backing out.

And here I give honor to God because I believe that was His favor on me. As we suited up to go in, putting on our tanks and masks, I prayed simply that my mind would be sharp, my physical actions strong. God, be with me. I went in recalling scenes from Saving Private Ryan where my favorite character, Pvt. Jackson, quotes scripture with quiet intensity as he trains his sniper rifle on the enemy. "Be not thou far from me, O Lord." His shot rings out. He reloads. "O my strength, haste thee to help me." Again. "O my God, I trust in thee. Let me not be ashamed. Let not mine enemies triumph over me."

I don't mean to make it over dramatic or anything. . . but it was kinda epic. =D Knowing you're walking with God in the way He's told you to go is unlike anything else. It's like you're invincible. And that's not a foolish state of mind, it's His promise. And we can stand on it.

Yeah, everything was more or less "safe" because it's training, but that doesn't make His word any less powerful. I heard a quote once that comes to mind. It goes something like, "safety is not found in the absence of danger, but in the presence of God."

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