the cousins hanging together in Avila Beach

May 3, 2011


We all want it, right?  Contentment?

A friend recently claimed to be content. Said there was nothing else to want (or at least nothing came to mind). And honestly, it kinda rubbed me the wrong way. I thought, nuh uh!  =)

IIII'm not content! Are you?!

Now, I'm not saying it's impossible or that my friend was pretending (denial!! =P), it's probably just a matter of differing definitions...

It seems to me that lots of Christians feel they should be content. And understandably so. For one, Christians have Jesus. And if he's not enough, what's the point in it, right? Plus, the Bible kinda tells us to be content. 1 Timothy 6:8 says, "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content." And in Philippians 4:11-12 Paul says he's learned to be content no matter his circumstances.

But what does that mean? I guess the thing is, for me anyway, I'm in a better place spiritually when I'm not content, when I'm not satisfied. And acknowledging it too. With work, in friendships, in my relationship with Jesus. There's always room for more...

Yeah, so I'm thinking about this now (right now) and wondering what's the deal? Do I just need to learn to be content? Is this selfishness? Should this feeling be illuminating some flaw in my approach to life so I can change? I think Paul's talking about a spiritual contentment - letting God be enough or more than enough at all times. And I agree with that. I can have that contentment, but-- agh, this is tricky. =) Sorry, I feeeel like I have something here... give me a minute.

Oh! He IS enough! And he's NOT enough at the same time. Not that I need other stuff in addition to him, but that I need more of him. In the way that you don't take a first bite of a delicious meal and then just put the fork down and call it good. Especially if you're hungry, which I am, for dinner. =\ You want, crave, neeeed more. (I'm realizing the story of Jesus offering the woman living water so that she'll never thirst again brings up an interesting point... about becoming satisfied... but I'm thinking that doesn't help my "argument" here. So, disregarded!)

Yeah, so this is basically a discussion between me, myself and I. And I'm wishing they had more to contribute here, like other perspectives, to make it interesting.

And "oh!" again! I think too of the man in the Bible who sat by the healing pool, a cripple for 38 years. And of Jesus asking him, "Do you want to be healed?" Oh. My. Gosh. Really?! What kind of question is that to ask a crippled man who's been suffering all his life?! At first you think, well, duh! Hello, Jesus! Of course he wants to be healed!

But does he?

Maybe Jesus was awakening something in him that had died away. He's been this way for 38 years! Think there's a chance that maybe he's come to accept some of this? This is just the way it is. Maybe? I mean, Jesus asks him and his response is basically, "No, you see, it doesn't work for me."

Think about it. Isn't it easy to accept hurt? Brokenness? Illness or loss? Aspects of our lives that sometimes feel permanent or inescapable? Do we forget that there's better out there? A better life? A better approach?

I understand the being content/grateful for what God has done. And I am! I SO am! But being content or saying we are feels like letting up somehow, ya know? I don't want this to be pushy or-- blah blah blah, I don't know what I'm saying here, but I just feel stirred up to say, to encourage if I can, keep wanting! Keep asking! Don't  say, "This is good enough."

Basically, I want better. I will always want better. And I believe God smiles at that. Let's not be content! (But, really, be content. =P) Let's say instead, this is good and I'm thankful, but I WANT MORE!!! More of God, more life, more love, more health, more beauty around us! Do you doubt that's what God wants for you? He's bigger and better than we know and I'm convinced it delights him when we say I know that and "PLEASE, SHOW ME MORE!" But he's not just gonna force it on us if we're saying, "that's enough."

Okay, I really thought that was the end. But then I thought of this. Luke 6:38. An image. Pressed down, shaken together and running over/overflowing. Imagine he's pouring you a cup of something super-amazingly-delicious. If God's the kind to be so delightfully reckless with the serving sizes that it pours "into your lap," doesn't it make sense that he'd love to hear us say, "Haha, MORE, MORE!!"? Instead of "When."?


  1. I really like what you've said, and i think it's important that we are never content with where we are spiritually and we should always thirst for more growth. I think contentment that is talked about in the verses you've referenced is the kind of quiet peace and joy that comes when you realize that if your earthly circumstances didn't change, you wouldn't need anything else to be happy. For me contentment comes when things are NOT perfect and I've surrendered my ideals of perfection to God. Contentment is a quiet peace because it's the little things in life and the people you love that are enough, even when you don't have as much money or popularity or whatever as someone else, but all you need is God by your side and the life you have.

    Amanda Knochel

  2. Nicely put. Thanks for sharing this! I have had moments of confusion where I want more...but I think maybe I shouldn't want more incase wanting more would be "self-ish." I agree that we should be content and still desire more of God and seek after more of His blessings.
    Put one way, contentment is the ability to be satisfied with where you are and what you need to do in order to get where you're going. If that makes sense.
    So, thanks again for sharing! I hope to see you sometime soon.

  3. Well said! No matter how full you are of Him, you've always got more room (like your dessert stomach)!

  4. i think you need to make a habit of blogging more often than once per month :-]
    i just found this by the way via eli's facebook status that she apparently borrowed from here. haha

  5. i don't know if any of you opted to get notified of others comments (so it may be that none of you see this), but i'll respond anyway. =)

    Amanda: i agree, that the verses mean what you've said there. if all i had was my relationship with God, that would be enough. HE would be enough.

    T'kya: from my perspective and understanding of who God is i'd dare to say a little "selfishness" can be good. =) it's not really selfishness if it's what God wants for us because then our desires are aligned with his. i believe he wants us to want more... of a lot of things, not just spiritual things. look at how richly God blessed different people throughout the Bible, i.e. Jacob, Abraham, Solomon, Joseph, etc. He says, "Ask, and it will be given". he wanted to know what Solomon wanted! yeah, it pleased him that he asked for wisdom, but he gave him everything else too! =)

    dessert stomach? sounds like Mom... or Grandma. =)

    Kaeli: =D

    Jarrin: yes, i really should. =)

  6. (found your blog.. blog hopping.. not creepy anymore cause every does it right?... or uh... no... uhmmm)

    I've thought about this before too. After reading your blog post, I stumbled across this C.S.Lewis quote on another site...

    “It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”

    Of course this is the other extreme, but maybe sometimes we are too easily pleased. We're too satisfied with just a glimpse of God. We have one moment and think, wow, this should last me a month.. instead of saying, nah, let the cup overflow into my lap... keep it coming!

  7. haha, yay! not creepy. =) i've wondered if other people ever see my blog.

    that quote is so dead on! love it.
