the cousins hanging together in Avila Beach

September 21, 2011

(small) reminders

I've been going to a new church, Reality LA, since mid May. I heard about it through a couple friends; one who attended the high school group and another my age who I now see every Sunday. =) I don't know who all knows this already, but yeah, that's my church. It's been really good - I'll prolly say more in a later post.

The story for this time is that last night I (finally) went to one of the several community groups they have around the LA area! It was a really good night of Bible study, worship and discussion based on the message that was taught on Sunday (which reminds me I wanna watch the sermon cuz I was out of town with friends in CO, which is also worth talking about... later).

Toward the end we split into smaller groups and shared with each other where we're at and things we're going through, praying for each other and getting to know each other a little as fellow journeyers. And I was really encouraged by that experience, especially the group prayer and the honesty and vulnerability in that. It's something that used to be more regular in my life, but I see has been lacking in the last few years.

One of the great gifts of Christian fellowship is being able to share our thoughts and concerns and praises with others who are likewise walking with God and wanting to give and receive support. When I think about "fellowship" I'm reminded of Lord of the Rings and the awesome example of what fellowship can be. We're meant to be a group of people united by our cause, journeying together, spurring each other on, lifting each other up! We have each other's backs! We want to see each other succeed because we're parts of a whole!

I think it's easy to forget or discount the blessing it is to really pray for each other and pray with each other! It's such an encouragement to be united with others, asking and believing together for God's presence and favor and grace and mercy in our lives, for our relationships, in trials and on and on. And I believe it delights God. =)

Anyway, it was really good and I look forward to continuing in that fellowship. But what got me going on all this was... a bug.

We prayed and shared prayer requests last night and I left there really grateful and wanting to live my life more like that all the time. I shared with a friend while driving home that I realized and felt convicted about how little time I spend praying for others and for "big picture" things, like our government leaders and for our fellowship as a whole. My prayers and thoughts have been so "me" focussed and I want that to change.

Aaanyway, I went out to the car this morning thinking about work, having completely forgotten about the things God stirred up in me last night. And there on the top of my door was this Praying Mantis. =) It was a sweet little reminder from God that brought everything from the night before rushing back and turned my heart toward His. And having this little picture helps me remember to pray and to dwell on things of God.

God's pretty great, huh? =)

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