the cousins hanging together in Avila Beach

March 9, 2010

closer to you

This is a small clip of a song I started writing a month or so ago. I was playing my guitar, just letting some stuff out, trying to give voice to what I was feeling. Not find words for what I was feeling, just express it, get it out through the music. But words started coming.

I turned on the mic and just played and sang the words I was feeling and when I stopped I could hear the rest of the music. So I sat down and added the other pieces (so I could go back later and know where it was going). I feel like it pry sounds kinda typical, unoriginal, but it was and continues to be, for me, sincere.

The words that came weren't what I was feeling . . . they were what my heart was telling me, more true than my feelings.

I'm sharing it because it's hard to. And I hope it encourages you a little. =)

The photo is from our backpacking trip - this is a rooftop in Athens where we would hang out and worship.

You may want to read along (below) - the recording is rough.

These are my hopes, these are my dreams
This is my heart and I choose to bring
All of myself as my offering
I bring You these songs You gave me to sing
I give them to You cuz I wanna be
Closer to You, come closer to me

Don't be far away
Can't you hear me say

I wanna be closer to You
Take everything I've held on to
Cuz all that I want and all that I need
I find in Your arms as You make me complete
I wanna be...
Closer to You...


  1. Andrew--thanks for sharing your heart. I want more of Jesus as well and I was reminded again today how Jesus would frequently go away to lonely places to spend time with His Father. Keep spending time in the lonely places with Him. -Buddy

  2. Andrew, thank you for sharing. The song brought tears to my eyes. I, too, am seeking to have the faith to let go and give God everything. It's hard to do that when it feels, as Ryan put it, "irresponsible." Thank you for the reminder that his will is perfect and beyond our comprehension. May we each learn to have a faith like that of the widow. Praying for you! Benjy Lehman

  3. Ok oops, that comment applies partly for this post and partly for the one above. my bad.
